Tuesday, 3 November 2009

The Here & Now Challenge

Oxfam has devised a challenge in order to help people be more enthusiastic about cutting down on carbon emissions. Believe what you want about carbon emissions and how it's effecting the world's climate, but let yourself rethink the matter if you believe places like Bangladesh and Africa aren't suffering tremendously because the climate is drastically changing. So what if the Earth is just reviving itself and all that's happening is naturally meant to happen. Us activists aren't trying to stop the Earth from being the Earth, instead we're trying to stop humans from being utterly dependent on consumerism and it's partners.

Well, at least that's what I'm trying to do. Working in fashion, I'm part of a ginormous machine that churns out a vast amount of energy per millisecond and I will always stand by my values and determination in order to show people fashion can be ethical and environmentally friendly. It may take a while, but I'll do it.

For now though, I need to sort myself out. It's all well and good telling people that they should buy ethically and think about the labour involved in garment manufacture, and to buy environmentally and think about the chemicals, fabric and energy used in manufacture of garments too, without assessing my own consumerism.

This challenge (and a blocked bank card) has made me think about my spending and where I buy food from. I already know certain things are bad (I don't buy from any Arcadia store or Primark because they haven't signed the Ethical Trading Initiative *and their clothes are horrible* which although won't make a huge difference, it means I can stick by things when I'm really passionate about them). I do buy Fair Trade and Organic where possible, even in clothing but as I'm still a student, it can be difficult. The rules as it were that I've set myself try to abide by the fact that we should buy food in season, we should buy Fair Trade, we should use less packaging and we should just buy less unnecessary things. I know it'll be difficult but it couldn't be called a challenge if it wasn't. There are things that I already do but I've put them in my list anyway just so I make it clear to myself (and to you) that it's important to stick to what good you do already even if you change so much more.

I hope you find it intriguing anyway and plan your own challenge. I won't give you a reward, but just understanding that you don't need certain things I would say is reward enough. Especially if it saves you money.

1. Carry on using shopper totes instead of plastic bags (reuse any I do *have* to get)
2. Buy from local markets instead of from the supermarkets
3. Make meals based on what's in season - eat more vegetables!!
4. Carry on getting the bus, tube and walking (walking more if it's closer - enjoy the Autumn air!)
5. Turn off all appliances when not in use and keep on pushing the office to do the same
6. Don't use my spare time to look online for new shoes! Instead tidy up, read or if I really have to, watch a film
7. Now that I have my sewing stuff back, get on making handmade crafts to sell and show how easy it is to make Christmas presents instead of forking out hundreds of pounds on new gadgets - join the quirky craft revolution!
8. Sell on Ebay, give to charity or even better CUSTOMISE clothes I already have instead of eventually buying new ones
9. Spend my spare time attending the theatre, galleries and gigs that are on offer for FREE instead of sitting indoors with lights and computer on for hours on end
10. Continue recycling and make sure others know how to recycle properly (including telling backing up why recycling in the first place is beneficial)

There is most probably more but my big things anyway are to buy from markets and shop for clothes less.

For more information on Oxfam's campaigns, please visit www.oxfam.org.uk or get in touch with them to find out what you can do to get involved (Oxjam, Outreach in your area, Trailwalker, Festivals or coming up on the 5th December 'The Wave' in London, a last call on politicians to make a fair and adequate deal for the people in developing nations at the Copenhagen Climate Conference).

Climate change costs lives. Let's sort it. Here and Now.

Wednesday, 28 October 2009


It's so true.


This looks like it could be a cake

Ok, I admit, it would be a rather silly cake but my word how amazing it is! And you thought tulle (fancy net for you non fashion educated people) was just for neon rave night Primark tutu specials...


Friday, 23 October 2009

Art Alphabet

After posting that 'noisy alphabet' and going through my art folder, I thought I'd give you my art alphabet. Unfortunately, I didn't have anything for the letters U or X. I'm sure you're not missing out too much.

Alfons Mucha

Bridget Riley

Cecilia Carlstedt

David Choe

Eduardo Paolozzi

Fiona Rae

Georges Barbier

H.R. Giger

Issey Miyake

Jeff Soto


Lucy Orta

Misato Nagare

Nadia Hunt

Pierre Cardin

Rene Gruau

Sylvia Plachy

Tim Walker

Vernor Panton

William Holman Hunt

Yoshitomo Nara

Zaha Hadid

A Noisy Alphabet

I stupidly bought these postcards for my ex (when I was with him...) when I should've been selfish and bought them for myself.

Kurt Halsey Frederiksen

Completely forgot about this amazing illustrator until I saw one of his images saved on my Boyfriend's computer (don't you love it when you share something random like that?!). You really should check him out RIGHT NOW.


Ok, this is just something I need to get off my chest.

Every now and then at work, I hear someone mention the new Starbucks that's opened, a scream of delight shortly following. It is very true that North Acton has shit all going for it, but Starbucks can't be the best thing there surely? Can you not make your own coffee?

At least if they did, there wouldn't be a foggy cloud of corporate social responsibility hanging around.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009


Reid Peppard taxidermy jewellery

Monday, 19 October 2009

An Awesome Book by Dallas Clayton

Wonderful little book. Wonderful poems.


Friday, 16 October 2009

Willy warmers

What a brilliant Christmas present. Think the boyfriend may have to be knitted one for the festival season. I would suggest bells, but then again, they've already got them haven't they. Adorable though, right? They're from Marianne Batlle anyway in case you're at all interested.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Slightly delayed: Glastonbury

I just have to show these photos because they're bloody amazing. I didn't take them myself unfortunately, but they should be shown off nonetheless.

Gives you more of a reason to cry over the fact that you didn't bother to get up earlier to buy 2010 tickets doesn't it.



Orange doesn't rhyme with anything

I almost cried at this photo, before trying myself to figure out if anything rhymes with orange. Turns out, it does in most other languages but English. Pathetic. What a poor little fruit. 

Stiletto race

I can't even walk down the street properly in stilettos, let alone run in them! These women should be utterly commended.

Table chairs

I love quirky design.

Take this for example:

One & Other

Has anyone popped by Trafalgar Square to witness the HILARITY of the the 4th Plinth? There's some people like the woman below who gave an aerobics lesson (including many a thrusting instruction) to raise money for Breast Cancer research, but then this, for lack of a more appropriate word, IDIOT woman gets up, mutters "What am I meant to do?" to who are most probably her supportive 'friends' then starts a phone conversation before making a paper aeroplane. Baffling. Absolutely ridiculous. 

I went through all the things that I would've done if 
I got up there (and first off, knew about it when applications opened anyway) and without a doubt, they would've been more worthwhile even if I did just rant on about Climate Change or dance to dubstep for an hour. 

Here's the wonderful woman for your pleasure anyway.

Roy Walker

Contrary to popular belief, Roy Walker is still alive. In fact, if you remember, he was on the Churchill advert and has now released a WONDERFUL Catchphrase game which will keep you occupied for hours...

Here's a rather hilarious clip from one of the infamous Catchphrase episodes:

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Insane in the Brain

On Wednesday I went to see a performance at the Peacock Theatre on a whim just from picking up a flyer that said "A street dance version of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest". Now, I've never actually seen that film so I was completely going for it because it was something new. I even went on my own! It was IMMENSE! I highly recommend catching it. The 2nd scene is the only one with speech in it, the rest is just music and dancing and yet I still managed to understand what was going on in the plot. A highlight for most girls would be the oiled up buff man, but just seeing people move like that and make a story out of technically, just their bodies and some fancy lights, is just fantastic. I've put the trailer below so you can marvel at it, but unless you saw it live, you just wouldn't understand the atmosphere.

7am on a Saturday

7am I got up today. Note the day. 7 am on a damn SATURDAY! Last Saturday I had to get up early to go and work in Brighton, but today, what am I waiting in for? A parcel that will no doubt be delivered at the very end of the morning. It always happens doesn't it. You're fast asleep and the postie comes. You get up or wait in, and they don't come for hours. To be fair, I was lazy getting my parcel redelivered. It came on Monday at 11:15 but in London we have to wait 48 hours (or maybe they just tell ME that...) so it would mean not being able to pick it up til Thursday before work. So I was like, fuck it, I'll make them work for a change. After losing my last parcel - A MACBOOK nonetheless - then discovering it again after about 34 phone calls, I'm not too trusting of them and their striking ways.

The Queen needs to sort it out.

Friday, 2 October 2009

The curse of the Irish man

So today, I'm happily wandering around Carnaby Street taking street shots of 'cool' people for inspiration and design details. Then lo and behold, an Irish man with a dog, a fag in his hand, a well scruffy beard and some tarot cards starts speaking really fast at my friend and I, telling us to take 3 cards then tap his hand, then tap Becci's hand so she can tap his hand and then tap my hand so we keep MY apparent (from the cards) 2 years of good luck between us 3. I also received a card that said I would make a lot of money in my life time, mainly in the next 2 years but starting in 9 months time. Conveniently, Becci also receives a card that says she'll get a lot of money in the next 9 months. He then obviously asks for a donation and we say "no".

Definitely cursed.

I however, told Becci not to worry because I'm a) Irish blooded and b) I'm going to Ireland next week so I'll sort it out. Perhaps find a leprechaun (I did in fact walk past a real life leprechaun one day by Regent's Canal so it's most certainly doable)...

Thursday, 1 October 2009


My M key is causing me stress. It couldn't have been the damn Q that went, the letter that hardly ever gets used, could it. I'll type Mac and eventually it'll just end up being ac ac ac ac ac


I'm not planning on using this blog purely just to post up photos that I've stolen from other people so that people can steal them from me, oh no. I actually have a devious plan to use this as a platform for my own crafts, designs, photos and other assorted paraphernalia. Here's something for starters: Back in the day, when I was going through my 'metal' stage, I made my own wool dreadlocks to braid in to my hair. This proved handy when I was a lazy student. Now I'm not a lazy student and have in fact got half a shaved head, I no longer require dreadlocks and therefore are using my skills to enlighten other people's lives; that's what we're on the earth for anyway right?
So, here's a photo of me with my dreads in...

And here's some dreads that you can buy off me...

They're all homemade using merino wool and vary in length and colour. Very soft (handy as a pillow), not smelly (though you can't wash them or they'd go bobbly), they can reflect your mood (if you fancy changing them everyday to suit)... Now, how do I go about the selling part? This is no Ebay lark... Um, ok. You can email me personally on crazychild123@gmail.com (yup that's right, crazy) for more info because I'm not even sure I'm allowed to use this blog as an almost prostitutative exploit.

Merci beaucoup.

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Research, research, research

I would love my schedule to be as easy as this

Research, research

A bit of the ol' optical illusion


Now that it's Autumn 2010 research time, I'm coming across A LOT of nice images (some not so helpful for work, but I like them) so I thought I would share a few that may me go "ha".

I actually think this would work...

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Exciting stuff!

Oh-ee, I'm very excited to get this blog on the road. Now I can join the world in what is to be remembered as the techno-age, minus the acid. I guess I'll just get stuck right in...

So this is wonderful Southwold. Latitude Festival was probably one of the better ones of the summer, mainly because I get to go on a trip to this lovely quaint yet rather disturbing seaside town.