Saturday 3 October 2009

Insane in the Brain

On Wednesday I went to see a performance at the Peacock Theatre on a whim just from picking up a flyer that said "A street dance version of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest". Now, I've never actually seen that film so I was completely going for it because it was something new. I even went on my own! It was IMMENSE! I highly recommend catching it. The 2nd scene is the only one with speech in it, the rest is just music and dancing and yet I still managed to understand what was going on in the plot. A highlight for most girls would be the oiled up buff man, but just seeing people move like that and make a story out of technically, just their bodies and some fancy lights, is just fantastic. I've put the trailer below so you can marvel at it, but unless you saw it live, you just wouldn't understand the atmosphere.

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